Updates Timeline

See every change I've made in this timeline of this short!

Where is Thy Sting? - 5/19/13
Bumblebee's head is started and thus the final Transformer in the first short begins the modeling process! 

Medic - 5/18/13
Ratchet, the team medic, completes the modeling and texturing process.

The One Eye of Wisdom - 5/13/13
Shockwave's model is completed.

Shocksaved - 5/12/13
I started modeling Shockwave again, redoing the model because I wasn't satisfied with the old one.

Saw Blades - 5/6/13
I modeled and textured Ratchet's wheels/saws.

What's Up, Doc? 4/18/13
I modeled and textured Ratchet's head.

Listing 4/17/13
I made this list!

Ultramite 4/16/13
Ultra Magnus modeled and his character featurette released!

Redux - 4/6/13
I redesigned my site slightly! Now it had a cool banner at the top, and new page buttons on the side, to help people find my newest stuff.

Shockwave - 4/5/13

I finished Shockwave's featurette, which I began on the 30th of November, 2012!

The Cabin in the Truck 3/19/13
I started modeling Ultra Magnus's shoulders, which double as his cabin in truck form.

Not Good Enough... Again! 3/5/13

I updated all the featurettes with updated titlecards and a higher quality Optimus Prime image.

The Long Haul Home 3/4/13

I created a concept art of Longhaul, one of the Constructibots. A little too soon, I'd say.

Not Good Enough - 3/3/13
The perfectionist in me made me remodel the entire corridor, just as I was blogging about my old model! But it does look much better, the difference being it was modeled using a spline, whereas the old one was just extruding the hall, meaning the curve wasn't quite right.

The Corridor is Digital 2/8/13
I modeled my first pass of the corridor in Shot 004.

Megatron's Army2/8/13
The Vehicon is done! So far, he was the fastest modeled.

Steve - 2/3/13
I started work on the Vehicon!

Spacing Out - 1/24/13
I modeled Cybertron, and began work on the first shot of the movie.

An Important Date - 1/24/13
I created the movie file for War of Ends, as it was now called.

The Magnus - 1/15/13
I started modeling the Magnus's head!

War of Ends - 1/14/13
I hated the name I gave the short. Team Ten? Ugh. So I decided to change the name again, this time permanently. I searched many words, trying to find a good title. Transformers: Apocalypse? Nope, already taken. I needed something original that also somehow said what I wanted the shorts to be about, in other words, how Cybertron was destroyed as a result of the war. So I called it "War of Ends". The name grew on me, and so I've kept it.

Team Ten? - 1/4/13
When I finally gained access to the internet, I searched "Transformers: Legacy" in Google. Unfortunately, there were many, many entries, including an official comic! So I decided to change the name to Transformers: Team Ten, because I thought Ultra's team could be called that.

Details - 1/1/13
I had just moved, and I didn't have internet. So while I was working things out, I pre-wrote several blog posts and made a few images for the blog. I also came up with the plot for the short.

The Future Leader - 12/31/12
Optimus is completed, after remodeling the arms.

Guide - 12/30/12
I started creating a guidebook to the short, including images of Optimus, as well as beginning work on my Character Featurettes.

He Looks a Little... Wrong - 12/3012
Optimus Prime is done! But I don't like his arms.

The Road Ahead - 12/16/12
I decided to make the short, and began modeling Optimus Prime's torso.

Da-da-da-da DUUN - 12/2/12
I composed the opener for my Character Featurettes.

Inception - 11/29/12
I created Optimus Prime's head. I started playing with the idea of making a new short. However, at this point in time I was going to call it Transformers: Legacy.