Monday, May 13, 2013

Shockwave's Redux

Well, the time has come for me to start modeling Shockwave again. I've been putting it off simply because it's going to be one more robot for me to model. But modeling them is the fun part, so what do I have to lose? My old Shockwave model is... well...

Let's face it: it doesn't fit in with the other, higher polygon, detailed 'bots that I've been making for this short. It might've worked for the short that it was meant for, but I need a new Shockwave and I can't put off modeling him until later. Why? Because I'm planning too dramatic a change! Plus his tank treads don't spin well and having a giant gun on his arm limits his mobility. And he also doesn't have knee joints,which may "pose" a slight problem, (forgive the pun)!

Anyway, yeah. So what'll the NEW Shockwave look like? I've modeled his head, but I have yet to really figure out his transformation. I have figured out Ratchet's transformation, though. Speaking of Ratchet, I modeled his weapons, wheels that double as saws.

Anyway, that's about all I've done recently. Shockwave and Ratchet's heads. Oh, and I also modeled a weapon for the Vehicon's robot mode, but since I don't want to give EVERYTHING away before the short's released, I'm restraining myself from showing a picture.

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